Using an Ultrasound to Diagnose Your Cat

If you have been worried that your pet is always under the weather and may have a recurring problem that doesn't want to go away, then you may be exploring your options. You'll certainly want to work with an experienced vet and will need to get their recommendation before you do anything, but maybe you need to schedule an ultrasound. How could ultrasounds for pets help you get to the bottom of the problem? [Read More]

How A Simple Tooth Check Up For Your Dog Could Save Their Life

Dogs are one of the most common types of pets found across the world, and it is not hard to see why. Their infectious enthusiasm and joyful demeanour is hard to ignore and leads to owners being very protective of them. While it is easy to protect them from more obvious dangers, it is vital that you stay vigilant against the more insidious health problems. A lot of these occur in the mouth of your dog, and perhaps none are as severe as a root abscess which can form at any time and for very little reason. [Read More]

Dog Versus Snake: Things To Look Out As The Weather Cools

Autumn has arrived in Australia, and as the temperature starts to cool, pests and other native critters start looking for a place to hide out before winter arrives. This means that the snake population is on the move, looking for a place to brumate. It is not uncommon for a family pet like the dog to have an encounter with a snake, and if they do, would you recognise there is an issue and know to head to your closest veterinary hospital? [Read More]